Continuous improvement
Satisfying our customers means a continuous search for quality improvement.
Our quality policy is defined in several key points.
CMO has been involved for several years in continuous quality improvement approach. Our goal is to better understand and meet client’s expectations and continually improve the quality of our services.
The respect of quality management process and the will to make good progress are our main drivers toward our ambition – better and better satisfy our clients in responsible way.
To this end, we communicate and make sure that our quality policy is understood by all staff. Doing things in this way, we are able to identify any dysfunctioning and take immediate action to work it out in transparency.
In our opinion, a quality system is first and foremost about making progress.
Our Quality Policy is focused on the following key issues :
Satisfaction of interested parties
- Carry out satisfaction surveys and maintain business partnership based on trust and understanding.
- Encourage professional trainings in order to keep our team skilled.
- A strong partnership with our suppliers and subcontractors
Improvement of general traceability
- Conduct annual review of internal documents,
- Ensure product/raw materials traceability
Client assistance
- React shortly and efficiently to client’s enquiries (claim, tender, request for information…)
- Maintain our delivery timeframe.
Health, safety and environment
- Set up responsible practices with regard to health safety and environment
- Sort wastes in purpose to reduce them
- Review annually the appropriateness of the single document
Implementation of a continuous quality control
- Monitor the evolution of projects and find areas of improvement
- Set up monitoring tools
- Set up rigorous quality controls in order to ensure the constancy in our services.